• Research Office - Faculty of Medicine - Universiti Malaya
  • resfom@um.edu.my

The Faculty of Medicine Research Office is part of the Dean’s Office to support research activities in the Faculty. It serves to manage research grants, provide research training, promote responsible conduct of research, provide research laboratory services and enhance research collaborations. The Research Office comprises 5 units and is supported by a team of administrative staff:

The Research Office serves as a one-stop center to support researchers, academic staff, collaborators, and funders in the application, conduct, monitoring, and dissemination of health and biomedical research. It also serves as a liaison between the Faculty and the University to improve the research standard and output in the University of Malaya.

There are four research thrust areas in FOM:

  • Infectious Diseases & Immunity
  • Cancer & Drug Discovery
  • Public Health and Non-Communicable Diseases
  • Aging & Regenerative Medicines

Visions and Missions


To lead medical research through innovation and collaboration


To enable UMFOM research community to achieve research excellence by:

  • Creating a culture of excellence and innovation
  • Promoting ethical conduct of research
  • Providing research training, infrastructure and resources
  • Enhancing researchers’ abilities to obtain and manage grants
  • Creating an integrated research administration and services
  • Supporting interdisciplinary and translational research
  • Fostering strong partnerships with local and global research community

 Professor Dato' Dr Yang Faridah Abdul Aziz (Dean)

      +603-7949 2050


 Professor Dr Sanjay Rampal Lekhraj Rampal (Deputy Dean Research)

      +603-7949 2077


 Mrs Haslinda Lahuddin

      +603-7967 7515


Mr Mohd Zamriee Bin Mustaffar

      +603-7967 7515


Mrs Nor Faizah Mohd Nor

      +603-7967 7515


Mrs Tengku Maimunah Binti Tengku Mukhtar

      +603-7967 7515


Last Update: 07/05/2024